Life Changing: Free Bible Correspondence Courses

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Students who complete the entire BCF course can earn credit through the Berean Bible Institute of West Bend, Wisconsin.

To maintain the integrity of the lessons the answer keys are not available on this page. For those who maintain a BCF ministry and are in need of the answers requests may be made for access to the answers by sending an email to the PMA director, Dwight Anderson. ( For more information about taking the BCF lessons for course credit contact the Berean Bible Institue (

If you would like for us to correct your lessons, and get credit from the Berean Bible Institute, please download just the Introductory lesson, complete it, and mail it to the address on the back of the lesson.  We are unable to correct your lessons when you send more than one at one time.

PMA has a set of one-page Bible Studies that answer commonly asked questions by young believers. These lessons may also be downloaded and used in your ministry. This list of practical lessons called Essential Bible Studies are helpful for any ministry to use!

Essential Bible Studies  and  Topical Bible Studies by Pastor Andrew Hollier

We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage here.   We have over sixty of them. We will post six of them every week over the next 10 weeks! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!

#1 Dealing with the Demons of the Past

#2 Forgiveness and Spiritual Growth

#3 Reasons Heaven is out of this World

#4 Five Misconceptions about being a Christan

#5 Beyond the Crystal Ball

#6 Ten Keys to Christian Courtesy

#7. Dealing with Depression-PMA trifold

#8 Decision Making and God’s Will-PMA trifold

#9 Answers To Probing Questions-PMA trifold

#10 Experiencing the Presence of God_ Psalm 4-PMA trifold

#11. Do You Know-PMA trifold

#12. Seven Names Of God-PMA trifold

#13 Getting To Know God-PMA trifold

#14. Accepted by God-PMA trifold

#15 How To Create A Daily Devotion Plan

#16 Blessings of Easter-PMA Trifold

#17 What If There Was No Resurrection-PMA Trifold

#18. The Power of His Resurrection

#19.The King Is Coming- PMA trifold

#20. Seven Great Names of Jesus – PMA Trifold

#21. The Case For Christ-PMA Trifold

#22. The Living Church-PMA trifold

#23 Lest We Forget-PMA trifold

#24. We Are One-PMA trifold

#25. The Lord’s Supper-PMA trifold

#26 Bible Basics That Bind Us Together- PMA trifold

#27 How Do You View God-PMA Trifold

#28 How Should A Christian Behave-PMA Trifold

#29 Formed for Fellowship-PMA Trifold

#30 Dealing With Guilt-PMA Trifold

#31. You Are What You Think-PMA Trifold

#32. Distinctions That Matter-PMA trifold

#33. The Day of the Lord -PMA trifold

#34. The Days Of Noah – PMA Trifold

#35. The Twofold Plan of God-PMA Trifold

#36. There’s A Better World Coming-PMA Trifold

#37. What We Believe About Dispensational Truth-PMA Trifold

#38. Why Doesn’t God Do Something About Suffering-PMA Trifold

#39. Why Isn’t The World Getting Better-PMA Trifold

#40. Why Paul – Part one-PMA Trifold

#41. Why Paul – Part Two PMA Trifold

#42. Living in the Last Days-PMA

#43. Was Christ A Creationist – PMA trifold

#44. The Truth about speaking in Tongues- PMA trifold

#45. Will Jesus Return This Year – PMA trifold

#46. The Bible and Evolution – PMA trifold

#47. Christian Character-PMA trifold

#48. The Christian and Anger- PMA trifold

#49. Why Become a Christian-PMA trifold

#50. The Bible Is Gods Word-PMA trifold

#51. How To Stay Strong in your Faith-PMA trifold

#52-The Turning Point In Prayer – PMA Trifold

#53. Why Believe In Jesus-PMA trifold

#54. The Seal of God-PMA trifold

#55. Standing and State- PMA trifold

#56. What Is Your Condition As A Christian- PMA trifold

#57. Rewards in Heaven- PMA trifold

#58-A Different Look at the Lord’s Prayer – PMA trifold

#59-The Peace Of Believing Prayer. -PMA trifold

#60-Sweet Hour Of Prayer – PMA trifold

#61-A Study of Prayer in the Letter of James -PMA trifold

#62-Practical Helps in dealing with Fear – PMA trifold

#63-Don’t Give Up On GOD – PMA trifold

#64-Loving Father – PMA trifold




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