
Please Make A One Time or Monthly Donation

“I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing.”

— 2 Samuel 24:24

Help Prison Mission Association reach the forgotten people behind bars!

For just few dollars a month, you can make an eternal impact in the lives of prisoners and their families. Become a Monthly Partner and bring permanent freedom to the lives of men, women and their families!

Joining a monthly giving program is simple and easy — and it makes sense! It allows you to give easily and regularly while providing a steady source of ministry funding to PMA. Though all donations to PMA are crucial and important, our monthly partners make it possible for us to plan our programs, expand our outreach and meet the needs of the prisoners and their families who we serve.

Your monthly gift can be made via credit card or EFT draft from your checking account. Donating via credit card or EFT also reduces processing costs and time. That means more of your donation money goes straight to the program you choose. It’s easy, it’s secure, and you can change your amount at any time. If you wish, you can give monthly by check and receive a monthly reminder in the mail.

Please join us today releasing men and women for life

It’s Easy!

First, pray and decide how much you want to give each month.

Second, choose how you want to give: via credit card, electronic funds transfer (EFT), or receive a monthly reminder in the mail.

And finally, decide the date on which you want your gift either charged to your credit card or deducted from your checking account.

Your credit card will be charged on the date you selected the month following the receipt of your completed enrollment form.

If you’re signing up for EFT, you’ll make your first gift with a check from the account you wish your Partner gift to be drawn on and we’ll start debiting your specified amount the month after receiving your completed enrollment form and check.

Remember, you can change the amount or stop your donation at any time.

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

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