Why are prisons the most spiritually fertile harvest field on this planet? Part 4 of 10

If you have valuable seeds to plant a garden, where is best place to plant? On concrete, or hard ground, thorny ground, or nice fertile ground that has been turned over?

In different ministries, I have experienced different spiritual harvest fields. Right now with our prison ministry, we have seen amazing results of transformed lives and huge rewards for the invest we make into lives of women and men behind bars that want to know God and turn their lives around!

People have asked me, why do I say that prisons are the most fruitful spiritual harvest field on this planet? I would like to share 10 reasons with you over the next 10 weeks and thank you for investing prayer, money and time to help us bring Glory to God as inmates and their families come to faith in Christ.

For review here are the previous three:
1. Most inmates are very discouraged. They need to hear the Good News and Hope that only comes from God’s Word.

2. In prison, plenty of time to study God’s Word.

3. Many are looking for purpose and meaning to life (Living for Christ gives an eternal purpose) Ephesians 3:9-13

This week we look at #4.

4, In prison, there are fewer worldly distractions (No cell phones, no internet, etc)

What would it be like to have no cell phone,  no internet?  You would have few things to interrupt you so you could focus on studying God’s Word and your relationship with Him.  In Col. 3:2 we read, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”  Rom.12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
So God can use this time when an inmate can focus more on the eternal things of God rather than on the earthly things that can often distract our attention.

Next week we will look at reason #5. Please continue to pray with us and our vision to see Godly leaders developed and churches planted in the prisons as we follow God’s leading. We need more prayer partners, financial support and volunteers to help us reach this goal of spreading the Good news of the Gospel of the Grace of God!


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