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Upcoming events
Pastor Dwight bringing 12 seeds book to Spanish Pastors Prayer Breakfast, Sat. Feb. 1, 10 am @ Iglesia Cristiana Remanente Escogido por Gracia, St Paul, MN
Pastor Dwight bringing 12 seeds book to Spanish Pastors Prayer Breakfast, Sat. Feb. 1, 10 am @ Iglesia Cristiana Remanente Escogido por Gracia, St Paul, MN
What’s NEw?
“These Prison Mission Association Bible studies have been of great help to me,”- Ricardo P. in Eloy, AZ
“These Prison Mission Association Bible studies have been of great help to me, I have learned much of how I am permanently united to God and follow His teachings. I was a drug addict and always thought I would return to that vice and my drunkenness, but thanks be to...
#6.”10 Keys To Christian Courtesy”- PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier #6."10 Keys To Christian Courtesy" Philippians 2:1-5 Have you noticed that we seem to be very busy these days and often preoccupied with our own lives and activities? One of the areas of life that has been impressed upon me by the...
Thanks to all of you who have been helping me to know more of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through these wonderful PMA Bible studies you send me..” – Jose J.
“It is a pleasure to share my testimony with the people of Bible Correspondence Fellowship. Thanks to all of you who have been helping me to know more of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through these wonderful PMA Bible studies you send me. I was a rebel so reading...