New 12 Seeds Resources Available Now!
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Upcoming events
Pastor Dwight bringing 12 seeds book to Spanish Pastors Prayer Breakfast, Sat. Feb. 1, 10 am @ Iglesia Cristiana Remanente Escogido por Gracia, St Paul, MN
Pastor Dwight bringing 12 seeds book to Spanish Pastors Prayer Breakfast, Sat. Feb. 1, 10 am @ Iglesia Cristiana Remanente Escogido por Gracia, St Paul, MN
What’s NEw?
“your Bible study lessons are really thoughtful and get me thinking which sharpens my focus on God’s Word.” – J.W., Washington Corrections Center, Shelton, WA
“I have done various Bible studies throughout my incarceration and have completed most and am still working on some. But your Bible study lessons are really thoughtful and get me thinking which sharpens my focus on God’s Word.” J.W., Washington Corrections Center,...
“Now that I’m reading and studying my Bible more, my life has changed.” -Stan G.- in Springfield, TN.
“I don't really know where to start, my life has been a downhill slide headed for Hell and I'm still not out of the hot water yet! I'm trying to change my life and live for God, but it is easier said than done. I just got back into the Bible in August of last year!...
#7.”Dealing with Depression” – PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier #7."Dealing with Depression" Depression is a widespread condition, affecting millions of people, Christian and non-Christian alike. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness,...