#40 Why Paul? Part 1 -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
WHY PAUL? Part One Understanding Paul’s Ministry What I am about to share with you is nothing new. It may not be talked about very much these days, but is in the Bible and God expects us to know about it. Recently, someone asked me some very important questions....
#37 What We Believe Concerning Dispensational Truth -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
WHAT WE BELIEVE CONCERNING DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH This is just a brief introduction to Dispensational Truth. For many people the Bible just doesn't seem to make sense. It seems to be filled with contradictions. As Dr. Baker writes, “In one place in the Bible it states...
#34 The Days of Noah -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH Matthew 24:37, 38 - Luke 17:26, 27 “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of [Jesus], the Son of Man” - Jesus in Matthew 24:37. Much could be said about the days of Noah, but in this study we will consider 8 parallels...
#31 You Are What You Think -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK Philippians 4:8-9 Whenever life acts we respond. If you win the lottery you might be happy. If you lose your job you may be angry. How you react will depend upon your attitude. Our attitude is the key that controls how we face life. You are not...
#39 Why Isn’t The World Getting Better? -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
WHY ISN'T THE WORLD GETTING BETTER? Matthew 13:24-30 The parable or illustration of the “Wheat and Weeds”, is here given by Jesus - concerning the end times. It is never easy to understand the parables of Jesus. We must keep in mind the Context and the Historical...
#36 There’s a Better World Coming -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
There’s A Better World Coming Matthew 6:10 For a long time now, people have dreamed of a better world. They have hoped for and longed for a world that would be free from the problems of war and crime, hunger and disease. The Bible tells us of a new and better world...
#33 The Day Of The Lord -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
THE DAY OF THE LORD 2 Thessalonians 2 In 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul arrives at the heart of his letter, with his explanation about the future Day of the Lord and the Antichrist called the Man of Sin. These early Christians were “troubled” and all “shaken up”...
#38 Why Doesn’t God Do Something About Suffering? -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
Why Doesn’t God Do Something About Suffering? We have all experienced times when we have been hurt, wounded and, at the least disappointed. Perhaps someone betrayed our trust, mismanaged our belongings, or said things that stabbed like daggers in our already fragile...
#35 The Twofold Plan of God -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
The Twofold Plan Of God For Mankind 1 Thessalonians 4:17—2 Thessalonians 1:7 In recent times national and worldwide news has featured certain church pastors as setting dates for the Rapture and even the end of the world. These so called Christian prognosticators make...
#32 Distinctions That Matter -PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier
DISTINCTIONS THAT MATTER Philippians 1:10 - 2 Timothy 2:15 When we come to study the Word of God it is good to have a key or keys that will help unlock its pages. One such key is found in Philippians 1:10 “discern the things that differ”. There are many truths in the...