Pastor Dwight to share a message entitled, Faith that Overcomes - Lessons from Joseph" Genesis 39:20 - 41:14 As we wrap up this year of 2020, we have had many challenges and God wants us to grow in our faith, a faith that overcomes as we look to making the most of the new year […]
Pastor Dwight to share a message entitled, “The Power of Vision” from Nehemiah chapter 2. this Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021! Pastor Joel Molina is not feeling well, so Pastor Dwight will be speaking. As we begin a new year, what is your vision for 2021? for your life and for the work of our church? […]
Pastor Dwight to share a message entitled, “Love Like Jesus” from 1 John 3:16-19 this Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021! Pastor Joel Molina is still recovering from Covid-19, so Pastor Dwight will be speaking. What is something this world is in desperate need of? What can make a difference in this crazy world? Join us by […]
Pastor Dwight has been invited to share about PMA at the Berean Bible Church Senior Adult Sunday School class via Zoom, Berean Bible Church, Shoreline, WA, Feb. 7, 2021 11:15 am pacific time. If you are in the area, please join us for an update on what God is doing behind Bars in answer to […]