“This Bible study lesson had been “spot on” direction of the Christian faith. Thank You! I am very interested to see what direction you folks take next. This lesson has asked me to open the Lord’s word and comprehend what it says. I hope in faith...
“Thank you for these Bible studies. They help me come closer to Christ and keep me focused in my times of loneliness, struggles, and hardship. This is a blessing and thank you for taking your time so I can continue bettering my path, my future, my attitude, my life,...
“Thank you for sending me my Bible lessons. Every day that goes by He’s making a believer because He has done miracles in my life by changing my way of thinking and softening my heart. I know I’m in an Institution Correctional Facility and He’s...
“Hello, I would like to enroll in your Prison Mission Bible correspondence courses. I gave my life to Christ. I don’t worry any more, since I leave everything in God’s hands, if He wants me to do all 29 years I am sentenced in prison, I will for Him, and...
“I have really enjoyed participating in the PMA Bible study on the Edovo digital tablet. It has taught me some new things and refreshed some that I had heard before. It’s always good to be reminded of things that God has done and is doing for US. I plan on doing all...
Testimony from an inmate of how God is the Master Restorer “I believe God is using this time to restore me, to who I was before addiction. That’s not something that happens overnight. It takes time and effort. Take this for example… When you restore an old car, what...