Thank you very much for sending me these new studies. I am a Grace Gospel believer. I believe in the Mystery which was revealed to the Apostle Paul by revelation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I see the difference between Law and Grace which is mixed...
Recently received from inmate: Willard H. “I really loved this Bible Study. I learned so much! I am on fire for the Lord and I want to keep my faith strong! Confident in the Word of God and not contrary to it; the old self and flesh under control… Amen. I’m...
“I was raised in the church so I have always known there was a God. When I was 16 I got into drugs and violence. At 25, I was involved in a murder. For my first 10 years here, I was angry and defiant towards God. Three years ago, I got your bible study in the mail...
Bill Started as volunteer in the last year and is a huge help as our Treasurer. Listen as he shares what serving with PMA means to him and his recent experience in going into a prison. Thanks Bill for all your hard work and service for Prison Mission!
(We will be sharing a weekly testimony every Sunday from our students as they write in to us and tell of their lives that have been transformed). “My life was up & down and upside down, most of the time. I would work hard to build a home and then throw it...