A Special Thanks for Mike Shea, our friend who recently published his book, New Day, New Me in hard cover. I asked if it was available in paperback so we could bring it to the prisoners, Mike said, no, but he would work on doing that for us. He followed through and...
Why are prisons the most spiritually fertile harvest field on this planet? Part 4 of 10 If you have valuable seeds to plant a garden, where is best place to plant? On concrete, or hard ground, thorny ground, or nice fertile ground that has been turned over? In...
You are invited to take an accelerated Evangelism class at Berean Bible Institute, taught by Pastor Dwight Anderson, Aug.10-13, 2015, in Slinger, Wisconsin. For more info contact Pastor Dwight 612-423 3457 for a syllabus or email dwight@mcg.net Please register at...
We are so thankful for our friendship with Les and Iris Feldick. His Bible teaching has been such a blessing to so many. You can watch him on Youtube.com or download his lessons at www.lesfeldick.org Please pray for his ministry. Our phone has been running hot the...
Why are prisons the most spiritually fertile harvest field on this planet? Part 3 of 10 If you have valuable seeds to plant a garden, where is best place to plant? On concrete, or hard ground, thorny ground, or nice fertile ground that has been turned over? In...
People have asked me, why do I say that prisons are the most fruitful spiritual harvest field on this planet? I would like to share 10 reasons with you over the next 10 weeks and thank you for investing prayer, money and time to help us bring Glory to God as inmates...