“I enjoy doing my Bible studies. I look forward to my courses. I got a lot of insight what I am learning, I share my courses with others, teaching them how to read scriptures and the meaning of God. I started drinking at an early age so I ask for help but no one...
Seven Great Names of Jesus “Before Abraham was born, “I AM” – John 8:58 Seven times, Jesus spoke of Himself clearly and directly as the great “I AM”. These statements are found nowhere else but in the Gospel of John. They refer to his Deity! God revealed Himself to...
“I can never say thank you enough for this chance. I truly feel God is working in my life as I study His word daily. To all of you that are making sacrifices to make these PMA courses possible, whether it be financial sacrifices or sacrificing the time out of your day...
Celebrate the King Matthew 21:1-11 & John 12:12-18 One of the exciting things about Palm Sunday is reading again the Biblical account of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and the people crying out ‘Hosanna’. It is such an interesting story! The Passover feast was...
“I want to thank you and praise God for your work. I have learned and continue to learn about why I am here, the gift I have received and how to develop Christian character to best serve Jesus. Thank you for the lessons and the peace/rest they bring to all moments of...