What If There Was No Resurrection of Christ?

1 Corinthians 15

People in general have a difficult time with the Easter story about the death and resurrection of Christ. Non-Christians attack it with open unbelief. Some Christians are not sure what to believe when they read modern writers and listen to television programs that call it a hoax.

The Gospels tell the story of the birth of Jesus, His life, and detailed record of the events of his death and resurrection. No one can read the New Testament without seeing the disproportionate emphasis put upon the death of Christ. Then, following that, there is this great story of the resurrection of Christ, the fact of all facts, His bodily resurrection from the dead.

Paul is ready for the critics who spread lies. He said the resurrection is an undeniable factPaul states it is a fact! But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead” (1 Cor. 15:20 RSV).

To read the rest Please Click here to download the rest of the #17 What if There was No Resurrection of Christ-PMA trifold.

We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage. www.prisonmission.org/free-bible-lessons/ scroll down and to the right side of the lesson webpage.  We have over sixty of them. We will post one for our blog every week over the rest of this year! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!


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