PMA Blog -Devos by Pastor Hollier

#6.”10 Keys To Christian Courtesy”

Philippians 2:1-5

Have you noticed that we seem to be very busy these days and often preoccupied with our own lives and activities? One of the areas of life that has been impressed upon me by the Holy Spirit is that of common courtesy in communication and the need to give others preferential treatment of our interests and time.

As Christians, we are given careful instruction to live in such a way that we exemplify the characteristics of  Jesus Christ. This means we will be different than others, in that we will practice kind consideration, respect, and practical courtesy in all we do.

To read the rest Please Click here to download the rest of the 6. 10 Keys To Christian Courtesy-PMA trifold

We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage. scroll down and to the right side of the lesson webpage.  We have over sixty of them. We will post one for our blog every week over the rest of this year! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!




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