The Twofold Plan Of God For Mankind
1 Thessalonians 4:17—2 Thessalonians 1:7
In recent times national and worldwide news has featured certain church pastors as setting dates for the Rapture and even the end of the world. These so called Christian prognosticators make fools of themselves and bring ridicule upon the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible. They cause the Media and people to mock Christ and Christianity. We who are trying to be faithful to Christ are lumped with these false teachers. Their repetitive use of Bible as their authority reflects badly on us who believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God.
Bible prophecy is a huge topic and needs to be studied carefully (2 Timothy 2:15); it must be interpreted literally for the Scripture to make sense. As you read your Bible you will discover that there is a twofold plan of God for the people of this world.
To read the rest Please Click here to download the rest of the #35 The Twofold Plan of God-PMA trifold.
We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage. scroll down and to the right side of the lesson webpage. We have over sixty of them. We will post one for our blog every week over the rest of this year! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!