How Do You View God?
Psalm 8:1-9
It has been said that, “This Psalm presents the concept that how you view God determines how you view yourself.” In these days of uncertainty, I believe this Psalm can help us. It is a psalm of David written to be played on the Gittith which was some form of stringed instrument like our present day guitar. I can imagine David sitting under the stars late one evening with his ancient version of the guitar composing this most beautiful psalm.
Albert Barnes comments, “If we may judge from the Psalm itself, it would seem probable that it was composed by night in the contemplation of the starry heavens – naturally suggesting, in view of the vastness and beauty of the celestial luminaries, the littleness of man. This also filled the mind of the psalmist with wonder that the God who put all the stars and planets in place, should condescend to regard the condition and wants of a being so feeble and frail as man, and should have exalted him as he has done over his works.” © Barnes’ Notes on the Old Testament, Psalms, vol. I, pg. 70, Baker Book House
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