How To Create a  Daily Devotional Plan

Many new Christians view the Christian life as a long list of “do’s” and “don’ts.” They haven’t yet discovered that spending time with God is a privilege that we get to do not a chore or an obligation that we have to do.

Getting started with a daily devotional simply takes a little bit of planning. There is no set standard of what a daily devotional time should look like.

These steps will help you incorporate the basics elements of a solid devotional into the custom plan that’s right for you.

To read the rest Please Click here to download the rest of the #15 How To Create a  Daily Devotional Plan-PMA trifold.

We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage. scroll down and to the right side of the lesson webpage.  We have over sixty of them. We will post one for our blog every week over the rest of this year! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!

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