Getting To Know God Better
John 17:3

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

Did you know that God is quite popular these days? People use his name a lot. We hear the words “Oh my God’ repeated frequently in TV shows, Radio, and the news.

Most Americans would think that God exists in some form. They might think of him as the unknowable force. The one who kick started the universe, the world and mankind. But since then, evolution took over and now God is irrelevant.

However, if we are desirous of getting to know God better, we need to confine our thoughts and conclusions to the Bible and what it has to say on the subject. The Bible is the word of God.

It is not easy to arrive at a Definition of God — In defining God, we need venture no further than the Westminster Catechism of 1646, which says, namely, “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.”

Our reason for looking at the attributes of God is to get to know him better. What greater endeavor could we embark upon than to know and understand the God of heaven and earth?

In this study we will examine some important attributes or ‘qualities’ of God that will be a great blessing to us.

To read the rest please Click here to download the rest of the #13. Getting to Know God Better-PMA trifold.

We praise God for our dear friend, Pastor Andrew Hollier, in Australia. He has given us permission to use his trifold Bible Studies on key topics. We have them now on our webpage. scroll down and to the right side of the lesson webpage.  We have over sixty of them. We will post one for our blog every week over the rest of this year! So, check our website each week to get the newest Bible Studies!


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